
How Do I Remove My Window Screens?

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At Energy Pro, we understand that window care and maintenance can sometimes be intimidating. So, we’re here to provide you with detailed instructions and valuable tips on how to properly remove and reinstall your window screens. By following these easy steps, you can save both time and money, and avoid the need for a costly service call.

Removing the Screens: A Step-By-Step Guide

The first and foremost concern for many homeowners is the process of removing their window screens. It’s a task that might seem daunting at first, but rest assured, it’s a fairly straightforward process, regardless of your window’s manufacturer or type.

  1. Locating the Screen Track: The initial step is to identify the outside screen track that encircles your window. This track is a fundamental component of all windows and is especially noticeable when dealing with half screens, which are commonly included with most windows.
  2. Lifting the Screen: To begin the removal process, gently lift the screen up a few inches. Pay close attention to the lip on the lower edge of the screen, as this is what prevents it from sliding out.
  3. Sliding Sideways: Irrespective of the manufacturer, all screens feature spring-loaded clips on one side. After lifting the screen, grasp it firmly at the top and bottom edges, and then slide it sideways. Typically, screens slide to the left when pushed for removal.
  4. Release and Remove: As you slide the screen, you will encounter spring-loaded clips that hold it securely in place. These clips can be found on either side. Proceed to release the screen while keeping it slightly elevated, allowing you to effortlessly pull it out.

You will notice that this process is straightforward and hassle-free, making screen removal a breeze.

Reinstalling the Screens: Putting It All Back Together

Once you have successfully removed your screen for cleaning or maintenance, it’s equally important to understand how to reinstall it properly. Follow these steps to ensure a seamless reinstallation:

  1. Positioning the Screen Clips: Start by positioning the screen clips into the screen track. These clips should fit snugly and securely within the track, ensuring that the screen stays firmly in place.
  2. Releasing the Screen: With the clips securely in place, gently release the screen, making sure it aligns correctly within the track. This step is crucial for a trouble-free reinstallation.
  3. Lowering the Screen: Finally, lower the screen back into its original position. Pay attention to the lift rail on the bottom, as this will be your handle for operating the screen from inside the house.

By diligently following these simple steps, you can effortlessly remove and reinstall your window screens whenever necessary, without the need for professional assistance.


Discovering how to remove your window screens is a valuable and practical skill that every homeowner should have in their toolbox. This straightforward process not only empowers you to perform routine maintenance on your windows but also saves you from the hassle and often unnecessary expense of seeking professional help or service calls. By mastering this simple yet essential technique, you can take control of your home’s maintenance needs and ensure that your windows remain in excellent condition for years to come.

If you ever find yourself in need of assistance or have specific questions about your window screens, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to provide further guidance and support.

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