
Working With Window Condensation

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Throughout the year, we receive numerous calls from customers who have recently had their windows installed, reporting issues with water droplets on the inside or outside of their windows. This phenomenon is known as condensation, and it can occur at different times of the year, depending on various factors. In this article, we will explore the details of window condensation, explaining why it happens and how to manage it effectively.

Understanding Condensation on the Inside of the Window

Condensation on the inside of your windows is typically caused by high humidity within your home. When you notice water droplets forming on the interior glass surface, especially around the corners, it’s because the coldest air inside the glass pane resides there. This occurs because the air within your argon-filled IG (Insulated Glass) units circulates, pushing the cold air toward the corners.

High indoor humidity levels cause this cold air to lose humidity, much like rain droplets falling from the sky. As a result, moisture collects on the glass in these cold spots, leading to condensation. This issue is most common in rooms with elevated humidity levels, such as kitchens and bathrooms. Moreover, heavy curtains around windows can exacerbate the problem by trapping the moist air between the glass and the interior of the room.

How to Deal with Indoor Condensation

If you notice condensation on the inside of your windows, there are several steps you can take to address it. Start by opening curtains or heavy blinds during the day to allow the air around the window to warm up.

Additionally, if you have a humidifier in your home, adjust it to maintain a humidity level of around 25% during the winter months. Excessive indoor humidity can lead to condensation on various windows throughout your house, as the warm, humid air comes into contact with the cold glass surfaces. By reducing indoor humidity, you can minimize the occurrence of window condensation.

Understanding Seasonal Changes and Condensation

When new windows are installed during late summer, transitioning into cooler weather, it’s essential to recognize the impact of seasonal changes on condensation. In regions like ours, homes tend to retain moisture and heat in their woodwork, walls, and sheetrock during the summer months.

Consequently, during the initial weeks of transitioning between seasons, humidity may still be trapped within these surfaces. This can lead to condensation on your windows. However, with time, as the house regulates itself and moisture leaves the woodwork, the condensation will naturally dissipate. This is a normal occurrence and doesn’t indicate any issues with your windows.

Condensation on the Outside of Your Windows

Condensation on the outside of your windows typically occurs during the spring and summer months, especially after a cool night when the glass temperature falls below the dew point on a humid morning. This type of condensation is usually temporary and will disappear as the sun rises and the air warms up. It is generally not a cause for concern.

However, in certain circumstances, such as having a lot of vegetation near your windows or the presence of moisture sources like air conditioner condenser units or dryer vents, condensation may persist. This is due to the concentration of humidity around the window and is not indicative of any window defects.


Understanding window condensation, whether it’s on the inside or outside of your windows, is essential for maintaining a comfortable and moisture-free home environment. By following the tips mentioned in this article, you can effectively manage and reduce window condensation issues.

If you ever have any further concerns or require professional assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Energy Pro. We’re here to help you keep your windows in top-notch condition and ensure your home remains comfortable year-round.

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