
What are the Costs of Window Installation Failure?

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It’s a common misconception to solely blame heating and cooling systems for discrepancies in a home’s temperature. In many cases, one might be overlooking a significant aspect of home design that plays a crucial role in maintaining a balanced indoor climate: windows. In this article, we’ll explore how window installation failure can lead to discomfort, increased utility bills, and how to identify the signs of this unnoticed issue.

Unseen Influence of Windows on Home Temperature

Windows and the Exterior Wall Surface

Up to 20% of the exterior wall surface of your home consists of glass and doors. It means that a fifth of your home’s boundary with the outside world is potentially vulnerable to temperature influences if not properly insulated. But while the walls of your home have an R value, which measures its insulation capacity, the glass does not possess this inherent insulation property.

The Role of Argon-Filled Dual Pane Glass

To counteract the lack of insulation in the glass, many modern windows come with argon-filled dual pane glass. This type of glass acts as an insulation medium, designed to maintain a barrier between the temperatures outside your home and the temperatures inside. When this fails or isn’t present, the comfort of those within the household can be severely compromised.

Identifying Window Installation Failure

Discomfort in Specific Rooms

Have you ever noticed certain rooms in your house feeling unusually cold during the winter or uncomfortably warm during the summer? This inconsistency in room temperature can be a clear indication of window failure. If sitting near a window brings about a drafty feeling or noticeable cold, it isn’t merely a discomfort issue; it’s a glaring sign that the windows are not performing their job effectively.

Rising Utility Bills

Another more subtle sign of window installation failure is an inexplicable rise in your heating and cooling bills. Since windows that are not properly insulated fail to keep the cold out during winter and trap the cool air during summer, your heating and cooling systems have to work overtime to maintain a comfortable temperature. As a result, you might witness your utility bills climbing and remaining consistently high throughout the year.

The Implications of Window Failure

With 20% of your home’s exterior surface susceptible to temperature exchange, it’s clear that windows play a pivotal role in ensuring home comfort. When windows fail, not only do you compromise on the comfort of your home, but you also face financial implications with consistently high utility bills. Window installation failure isn’t just about feeling a draft; it’s about understanding the holistic impact on your living conditions and financial wellbeing.


Window failures, often unnoticed, can have a profound impact on our daily lives. From the discomfort of living in a house with inconsistent temperatures to the financial burden of heightened utility bills, it’s essential to be vigilant about the signs of window installation failure.

If you suspect your windows might be underperforming or wish to consult about potential solutions, don’t hesitate to contact us. A comfortable home is more than just a luxury; it’s a right that every homeowner deserves.

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