Buying a shirt and discovering you don’t like it when you get home isn’t that big of a deal. After all, even if you can’t get your money back, you have only spent a small amount. However, if you are spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a home improvement project – such as new windows – it is crucial that you take your time to find a reputable company you can trust. If you are ready to invest in new windows, finding the right contractor to handle the installation process is essential. Here you can find some questions to ask a Kansas City replacement window company before hiring them.
1. How Long Has the Company Been in Business?
While working with a relatively new company is not an instant deal-breaker, if you can find a service provider that has been around longer, they will likely have more experience working in the local area and in this industry. Be sure to find a company that has a staff who can handle the job and ensure it is done properly, the first time.
2. What Type of Experience or Training do the Technicians Have?
Another way to make sure that a window, door, or siding company does a quality installation is to inquire about the type of experience and training the technicians have. Someone who is properly trained will be able to handle the job with ease.
When these items are installed properly, they will help make your home more energy-efficient, which will also reduce your monthly energy costs. Improper installation may lead to energy loss, gaps, leaks, and other issues.
3. Will the Company Provide You with Past Customer Information?
No company is going to highlight their disadvantages or weaknesses. They will only let you know about the benefits offered. If you want to get the full story, speak to someone who has used the company’s service before and ask them if they were satisfied with the results.
4. Can the Company Share Photos of Similar Projects They Have Done in the Past?
Just like with testimonials and reviews, it is reassuring to see the work that the company has done before agreeing to use the services offered. It is a good idea to ask the company for photos of projects they have done that are similar to yours before hiring them.
5. Does the Company Have Any Certifications or Accreditations?
Make sure to ask the company you want to hire about their credentials. A quality company is going to have professional credentials that prove they have the experience and training needed to handle the job you are hiring them for.
If you want to invest in replacement windows for your home, one of the most important things you can do is to hire the right company for the job. The questions found here will help you narrow down the options and find the right replacement window contractor in the Kansas City area.
Give us a call to get your questions answered or to schedule a free window replacement estimate. We guarantee our work and look forward to working with you!